Blues take aim at Aussie Super 14 refs - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Blues take aim at Aussie Super 14 refs

01/04/2010 03:35:05 PM Comments (0)

Blues coach Pat Lam has aired his concerns at the influence of two referees assistants in his team's Super 14 clash with the NSW Waratahs.

The Blues were frustrated with rookie New Zealand referee Garratt Williamson during their 39-32 loss in Sydney last Saturday, believing he was overly influenced by Australian touchline assistants Paul Marks and James Leckie.

Lam met referees boss Lyndon Bray to put forward the Blues' case and said on Thursday he was happy with the process for dealing the matter.

"Nothing was subjective, it was all about the facts, what we presented, and they'll now move on and go through their normal process," Lam said.

"I'm pleased where the system is at. It's all under one boss and their review panel, so we are really happy about where it's at."

Lam said he would be comfortable with having Williamson, Marks and Leckie back handling a match involving the Blues once the concerns had been dealt with.

"After we have been through the process, then we move on," he said.

"Nothing personal. It's just the performance wasn't normal."

Blues skipper Keven Mealamu's frustration was evident during the match and Lam said on Monday that he listened to the calls during the game and felt Marks and Leckie were controlling the game.

He said none of their decisions went against the Waratahs and all bar one were followed by Williamson, whereas a more experienced referee would have been more questioning of his assistants.

He added that the 12-9 penalty count against the Blues had not cost them the match, but what happened needed highlighting.

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