Warne faces total ban - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Warne faces total ban

By Roger Vaughan 21/08/2003 07:30:38 PM Comments (0)

Shane Warne could soon be banned from training with the national and Victorian teams and even his club side after new advice to Cricket Australia (CA) from the federal government.

CA said it would seek crisis talks with the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) next week over the tough stance that it was unacceptable for Warne to train while serving his 12-month ban for taking a banned diuretic.

Under CA's anti-doping policy, that would cover national, state and even district training.

Warne's brother and manager Jason Warne said he was "very disappointed" at the government's advice.

"It's something we have to look into, because it conflicts with the information we've had over the last few months," Jason said.

Federal sports minister Rod Kemp said in parliament last week he would ask the ASC to consult with CA to make sure the highest anti-doping standards were maintained in the Warne case.

This latest blow for Warne will be high on the agenda at CA's two-day board meeting, which starts in Melbourne on Friday.

CA chief executive James Sutherland will then most likely meet with the ASC and the Australian Cricketers' Association (ACA).

"Our own interpretation has been that training can be permissible in certain circumstances, such as when a suspended player is giving rather than receiving help, as long as there is no material assistance such as travel, accommodation or provision of equipment," Sutherland said in a CA media release.

"Cricket Australia, ACA and the ASC have the same starting point, which is a determination that there is no place for doping in cricket, but implementation of this ideal needs discussion."

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