Hiddink's Socceroo days look numbered - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Hiddink's Socceroo days look numbered

By Doug Conway 05/03/2006 10:17:03 PM Comments (0)

The chances of Dutchman Guus Hiddink remaining Socceroo coach after June's World Cup in Germany seem remote.

"It's unlikely Guus will be staying with us," Football Federation Australia chief executive John O'Neill said.

"It was never expected that he would."

O'Neill said FFA officials had been in discussions with Hiddink, but added: "Nothing we have talked about has indicated that he will be staying on."

Hiddink has been linked with several other countries, notably Russia and England.

Moscow media reports last week suggested Hiddink had already signed with Russia, but Hiddink's management denied this.

Hiddink, who took Holland and South Korea to the semifinals of the past two World Cups, has been in charge of the Australian team on a part-time basis.

His major club commitment with PSV Eindhoven in Holland prevented his travelling to Bahrain last month for Australia's first foray into Asian competition.

The Socceroos were in the hands of his assistants Graham Arnold and Johan Neeskens.

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