Huxley targets potential comeback - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Huxley targets potential comeback

16/04/2008 11:21:59 PM Comments (0)

Brumbies fullback Julian Huxley said he would consider a comeback to rugby after a having tumour removed from his brain.

Huxley's career looked over after he went into convulsions on the field during a Super 14 game last month which led to the discovery of the tumour.

He was operated on and while he said the odds against him playing rugby again were staggering he told News Limited newspapers he would not rule it out.

"I'd love to play again the game I love, but time will tell whether that's a stupid call," said Huxley who used cyclist Lance Armstrong - who recovered from testicular cancer to win the Tour de France seven times - as an example.

"The surgeons have told (a comeback) would be a bit risky but then surgeons always err on the side of caution."

The Wallaby back said the prognosis was "not too bad" but he would now have to do radiation therapy.

"Basically there's no real way of telling if it's been a success," he said.

"If I'm still here in 10 years it's been successful."

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