Voss eyeing Gold Coast AFL coach job - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Voss eyeing Gold Coast AFL coach job

26/04/2008 10:10:54 PM Comments (0)

AFL great Michael Voss confirmed he had told the Gold Coast consortium he was interested in coaching the prospective team in its debut season.

Voss, who captained the Brisbane Lions to their three premierships before he retired at the end of the 2006 season, wants to coach and moved a step closer to becoming the public face of any AFL presence on the Gold Coast.

South-east Queensland and western Sydney are the two areas favoured to be granted AFL team licences as part of the AFL's desire to expand into new markets in 2011-2012.

Voss confirmed he had spoken with the Gold Coast consortium, and sounded out the potential licensee about some of the key questions.

He told Network Ten he wanted to coach and considered the Gold Coast option as a potential step into the career.

"From my perspective I would like to be able to be a coach some day, no doubt about that," he said.

"I now have to go through the process like they do to work out who is the best candidate and they have to work out whether I'm that person.

"More importantly, I have to got to work out whether it is the right club for me at the same time."

Voss wanted to know more about some of the key appointments the Gold Coast consortium had to make, and whether it was interested in having him coach the side.

"From my perspective I guess I expressed an interest with the Gold Coast consortium today that we may have to go down (the path of) further talks to find out exactly where this can go," he said.

"I certainly didn't feel like it was a job interview today.

"It was just basically sitting down and going through some of the details of what they do have and what they don't have ... everyone has been sitting down and watching all the speculation growing and what roles are going to be, who's going to be CEO, football manager, coach.

"For me, I just haven't really read that, I wanted to hear it out of their mouths to find out exactly where they are and whether they do have a genuine interest in Michael Voss coaching the Gold Coast football club, or is it just air."

Voss said creating an AFL presence on the Gold Coast was a "massive job" for the consortium, and that he was treating the chance to coach the side "very seriously".

"To be able to step into this role is a very big job to be able to do and I am treating it very seriously," he said.

"From my perspective it's not just off-the-cuff decision, it has to be a very detailed and considered decision and I will go through that process as I hope the (consortium) will do in who they determine to be their coach.

"That's where it lays at the present time."

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