Annual Origin flag bet gets personal - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Annual Origin flag bet gets personal

21/05/2008 07:11:19 AM Comments (0)

The long-standing State of Origin bet between the NSW and Queensland premiers has changed this year - this time it is personal.

Under the old agreement, the premier of the losing state had to fly the flag of the opposing state over their city - on the Sydney Harbour bridge if Queensland won, and on the Story Bridge in the event of a NSW win.

This year the winning premier will present a signed state team jersey to the losing premier who must then hang it in their office for a year.

After a year, the jersey will be returned to the winner who will then auction it off for charity.

NSW Premier Morris Iemma has tipped the Blues to win by 12 points this year.

"I am very much looking forward to seeing the signed Blue jersey in Anna's (Queensland Premier Anna Bligh's) office for a year," he said.

He also urged NSW to get behind the team ahead of the first Origin match at the ANZ Stadium in Sydney on Wednesday night.

"I am encouraging everyone in NSW to wear blue today, and on the other game days," he said.

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