IRB queries French over Tincu case - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

IRB queries French over Tincu case

24/12/2008 07:06:22 AM Comments (0)

The International Rugby Board has asked the French Rugby Federation to explain why suspended Perpignan hooker Marius Tincu was allowed to play against Castres in a league game last Saturday.

Tincu was handed an 18-week ban from all rugby, including the Top 14 league in France, after being found guilty of gouging the eyes of Ospreys prop Paul James in a European Cup game on October 18.

His club pleaded that the suspension should not apply to Top 14 matches but a European Rugby Cup Committee of Appeal turned this down on November 14.

Perpignan then took the case before the French National Olympic and Sports Committee who ruled that he was clear to play in French league games and this was accepted by the LNR, France's national professional league.

Tincu subsequently played for Perpignan in the 16-9 win over Castres at the weekend.

"The IRB has asked the Federation Francaise de Rugby to submit a complete record of the events, decisions and procedures that resulted in the apparent breach of sanction and Tincu taking to the field against Castres Olympique," an IRB statement said on Tuesday.

"On receipt of the report the IRB will decide on the appropriate course of action.

"The universal application of sanctions is a key element of the Rugby specific sanctioning regime developed to cater for the unique characteristics of the Sport and remains in operation under IRB and Rugby regulations worldwide."

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