Lockyer joins Armstrong in cancer fight
Two sporting champions will join forces this weekend with Brisbane Broncos captain Darren Lockyer and legendry cyclist Lance Armstrong teaming up to help raise cancer awareness.
For the first time in the club's 21-year history, Brisbane will play the Warriors at Suncorp Stadium on Friday night wearing different coloured jumpers to their regular strip.
The players will be hard to miss in bright canary yellow jumpers, shorts and socks but they are keen to do their bit to get the message across for almost 30 million people worldwide who are fighting the killer disease.
The jumpers will be personally signed and auctioned off online with the entire proceeds split evenly between Armstrong's Livestrong Foundation and the Queensland Cancer Fund.
Lockyer met cancer survivor Armstrong - the world's greatest ever cyclist - earlier this year and was in awe of the seven-time winner of the 3,500km Tour de France.
While he has a few sporting achievements of his own having played 45 Tests and 29 Origins that make him an exceptional athlete, Lockyer said Armstrong was a "special guy".
"I got to meet him in the pre-season, he's a pretty special guy," said Lockyer on Wednesday.
"I only spent an hour with him but it was very interesting to be in the company of such an elite athlete.
"I'm not a fan of bike riding.
I'm happy to watch the Tour de France but sitting on a bike, riding, it is not my cup of tea.
"It's a sport I couldn't do."
Lockyer said cancer was an illness which touched everyone at some time and he his teammates were more than happy to wear the bright yellow jumpers to help raise cancer awareness.
Brisbane chief executive Bruno Cullen said the club was right behind the fight against cancer.
The Broncos have been big cancer campaigners and supporters since the disease claimed the life of Kim Walters, the wife of former player Kevin Walters in 1998 at the age of 30.
"It's a tremendous idea generated through Livestrong and Nike with Nike Australia backing it 100 per cent," said Cullen.
"They've come up with the yellow jumper and shorts which is the Livestrong colours and the players are very happy to wear them on Friday and support the Foundation and the cause.
The NRL recently had a pink weekend with games raising money and also the profile of breast cancer among the general community.

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