Police inquiries with Motlop confirmed - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Police inquiries with Motlop confirmed

19/05/2010 03:45:32 PM Comments (0)

South Australian police are making inquiries about a domestic argument involving the Port Adelaide player Daniel Motlop.

The AFL club have released a statement, saying the incident happened in a Glenelg bar several weeks ago.

They say Motlop intervened in an argument involving his partner and the partner of another player, believed to be Jacob Surjan.

"Port Adelaide (are) aware of a domestic argument involving player Daniel Motlop several weeks ago," said Power football operations manager Peter Rohde.

"Motlop intervened in a dispute between his partner and the partner of another player at a Glenelg bar.

"Police are now making inquiries about the argument.

"The club will make no further comment on the matter until the police conclude their inquiries."

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