Roosters deny drug problem - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Roosters deny drug problem

By Steve Jancetic 21/06/2010 04:42:35 PM Comments (0)

Sydney Roosters chief executive Steve Noyce has denied the NRL club has a drug problem following allegations of improper use of prescription pills by some players.

A News Limited report on Sunday claimed prescription drugs were being distributed amongst players for recreational use after games, but Noyce said he had yet to be provided with any proof the practice was occurring.

It comes two weeks after troubled hooker Jake Friend was charged with possessing Valium tablets that had not been prescribed to him, with the matter due before the courts on June 30.

The article claimed a former senior player had come forward as a whistleblower to the dangerous practice, though Noyce was adamant his club was clean, labelling the allegations as "offensive".

"There's been lots of allegations and I've asked that particular organisation who raised those allegations to give me evidence and it hasn't come to light," Noyce said on Monday.

"If there were some issues in the past I believe they're behind us now."

Noyce said he met with players and staff on Monday morning to discuss the allegations and left the meeting confident there was no substance to the claims.

Asked what further action the club would take, Noyce said: "I don't think there's a lot more we can do unless we get evidence from people and I encourage people if anyone has any evidence, if they think there is an issue there to raise it with the club."

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