No recall for McDonald's cups - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

No recall for McDonald's cups

29/06/2010 12:41:26 PM Comments (0)

McDonald's Australia has confirmed there are no problems with their World Cup souvenir glasses, after 12 million Shrek glasses were recalled in America earlier this month.

The US-made Shrek glasses were found by the American Consumer Product Safety Commission to have small amounts of cadmium on them.

Cadmium, a heavy metal that accumulates in the body, can cause cancer, developmental and reproductive damage, and other health problems.

A spokeswoman for McDonald's Australia said the Shrek glass recall at the beginning of June was in the US and Canada only.

"There is no impact on the FIFA World Cup Coke glass promotion," McDonald's spokeswoman Amy McNaughton said in a statement on Tuesday.

"There is no cadmium in these glasses."

For a limited time earlier this month, McDonald's Australia offered a free Coca-Cola glass with every Big Mac or sweet chilli wrap meal.

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