Reds coach on waist watch over Xmas - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Reds coach on waist watch over Xmas

06/12/2010 07:45:09 PM Comments (0)

Queensland Reds performance coach Damian Marsh will be on "waist watch" over Christmas to make sure none of the players have too much good cheer during the festive season.

Marsh said there's been few if any problems in the past, but he is always vigilant at this time of year because of the minimal lead-up time after Christmas until the first Reds trial match in late January.

He said each player has their own dietary guidelines and are subject to pre- and post-Christmas body fat tests to ensure they remain on target for their Super Rugby opener against the Western Force at Suncorp Stadium.

"As a group the boys have worked hard to get into the shape they are currently in and they understand the importance of maintaining that over the Christmas period," Marsh said.

"Everyone has their own individual and dietary program.

"That's not to say they cannot enjoy a little bit of Christmas cake, but not too much.

"We always do body fat tests before they go away for the break and most guys are pretty good in this era of professionalism."

The Reds are looking to build on their fifth placing in 2010, their first single digit finish since 2003 when they were eighth.

Marsh said one specific area he has been working on is improving the sprinting techniques and times of the backs who were undergoing a series of tests at the Queensland Academy of Sport on Monday.

"Particularly with the backs there has been a big power culture, but we've been working on a sprint squad mentality," Marsh said.

"Acceleration and maximum velocity is what we've been working on.

"We were having a bit of a look today and I'm happy with the way they are progressing."

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