Indigenous All-Stars game now in Alice - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Indigenous All-Stars game now in Alice

28/01/2011 07:54:33 PM Comments (0)

Richmond's AFL pre-season game against the Indigenous All-Stars will be played in Alice Springs next Friday night, after monsoonal rains forced a switch from Darwin.

The clash was originally scheduled for the Northern Territory capital on February 5, the downpours made the surface of Darwin's TIO Stadium unsuitable.

But AFL NT chief executive Tony Frawley said it was good that the clash could still go ahead in the territory, even though it would be a day earlier than planned and in a different city.

"We are confident that the game will be exceptionally well supported by the footy loving public of Alice Springs," Frawley said.

Tigers chief executive Brendon Gale said the club had already built some links with central Australia through community programs and were looking forward to the chance to strengthen them with this visit.

"It is fantastic that this game is able to go ahead. It really is a game, and a celebration of indigenous culture, that we are proud to be involved in," Gale said.

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