Selwood cops four at the tribunal - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Selwood cops four at the tribunal

14/06/2011 06:54:05 PM Comments (0)

Star Geelong midfielder Joel Selwood received a four-match suspension at Tuesday night's AFL tribunal hearing.

Selwood pleaded guilty to striking Hawthorn opponent Brent Guerra, but tried to argue the charge down from intentional to reckless.

Guerra suffered a perforated eardrum in the incident and, after a 20-minute deliberation, the jury found against Selwood.

He would have reduced his penalty to two matches had the jury found in his favour.

Selwood also could have received a three-match ban had he not gone to the tribunal.

It is the first time in Selwood's career that he has been suspended for striking.

He said several times in his evidence that he had never intentionally struck anyone on a football field.

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