Equine influenza website up and running
The Queensland government has established a new website to advise all horse owners and riding clubs about the equine influenza threat.
The Queensland Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (DPIF) has urged all horse owners, pony clubs and equestrian groups to familiarise themselves with the symptoms of equine influenza through the website.
The website contains information on the disease, its symptoms, regulations relating to a 72-hour ban on the transport of all horses, donkeys and mules and biosecurity measures to reduce their animals' chances of catching the disease.
"We are asking all horse organisations to place a link to the DPIF website on their club's website so that their members can access accurate information, DPIF biosecurity communications manager Rod Thompson said.
"We are updating the information every day and it is important that all horse owners make daily checks of the website for updated, or new information.
Horse owners can also subscribe to a daily email newsletter through the website, he said.
The website is available on a link at www.dpi.qld.gov.au

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