Scud rockets up rankings
Mark Philippoussis has reaped the rewards of a successful Wimbledon campaign, rising up the ATP rankings list to be No.22 in the world.
The new list saw the Wimbledon runner-up shoot 26 spots up the rankings.
Philippoussis was equally as active in the Champions Race standings, moving from 34 before the tournament to eight.
The news wasn't so good for defending champion Lleyton Hewitt who slumped to fifth in the rankings from second, his lowest since August 2001.
His shock first round loss to Croatian Ivo Karlovic also saw him slip two spots in the Champions Race, going from 12 to 14.
Switzerland's Roger Federer took over at the top of the Champions Race and rose to a career-high third in the 12-month ATP rankings after his Wimbledon win.
Agassi remains top of the 12-month rankings - on which tournament seedings are based - with 4,090 points followed by Ferrero (3,875) and Federer (3,575).
The Champions Race starts afresh each January and includes only the points won in a calendar year.
The top of the women's rankings remains unchanged after Serena Williams's defeat of her sister Venus in the women's final at Wimbledon.
Serena remains top with Belgians Kim Clijsters and Justine Henin-Hardenne second and third, and Venus fourth.

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