Blues take no action on Norman - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Blues take no action on Norman

14/05/2004 05:36:32 AM Comments (0)

Carlton will take no action against defender Karl Norman after he was reportedly caught driving without a licence.

The club confirmed Norman had been involved in a "traffic infringement", but said it was a police rather than a club matter.

"That is between Karl and the police and the club will not be taking any further action," Carlton chief executive Michael Malouf said.

Norman was under scrutiny at the club after last month being found to be attending a club recovery session under the influence of the illicit drug ecstasy.

He was given a stern warning by the club, but was maintained on the list even though co-accused Laurence Angwin was sacked for what was his last in a string of transgressions.

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