McGee to miss track titles - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

McGee to miss track titles

23/07/2003 05:06:59 AM Comments (0)

Australian Bradley McGee is likely to miss the upcoming world track cycling championships in Stuttgart where he was set to defend his individual pursuit crown, his team said.

McGee has been struggling more than usual on this year's Tour de France due to bouts of 'hunger flats' due to a blood problem and will undergo tests in Paris next week to find the cause.

The 27-year-old Australian won the Tour de France prologue and wore the race leader's yellow jersey for four days on this year's centenary race on which he is now trying to help teammate and compatriot Baden Cooke defend the green jersey for the sprinter's points competition.

McGee won his first individual pursuit title, in which he is a specialist, in Copenhagen last year only weeks after the Tour.

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