Palmer moves up squash world rankings - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Palmer moves up squash world rankings

02/02/2005 05:26:32 AM Comments (0)

Australia's David Palmer has risen one place to number three in the latest world's men squash rankings announced by the Professional Squash Association.

While France's Thierry Lincou and England's Lee Beachill stay at one and two respectively, all the remaining positions in the top 10 have changed.

Canada's Jonathon Power returns to the top five for the first time in 16 months after extending his late run of form last year into the new year.

The 30-year-old from Montreal picked up the Marsh & McLennan Apawamis Open title at the beginning of last month, and went on to claim semi-final berths in the SSA Global Windy City Open and EBS Asset Management Dayton Open to climb back to No5 in the new list.

Australia's Palmer rises to three at the expense of England's Peter Nicol who falls to four.

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