Anderson wants Roos coach job again - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Anderson wants Roos coach job again

By Brent Read 12/12/2002 06:16:44 AM Comments (0)

Chris Anderson's future as Australian rugby league coach is likely to be discussed at an ARL board meeting next week.

Anderson has announced he wants to retain the post, but needs to fight off a challenge from the Queensland Rugby League if he is to continue.

QRL chief executive Ross Livermore reiterated the northern body's belief that Anderson should be replaced, preferably by a coach not involved with a National Rugby League club.

"We haven't changed our view," Livermore said.

"We felt that Chris had his go and we would look for somebody else. But it depends on who comes up with the votes."

In that area, Anderson is sitting pretty.

The NSW Rugby League has the numbers in the board room, swinging things heavily in his favour.

He also has the support of the senior Australian players, with Queensland captain Gorden Tallis among those to rally behind the Cronulla coach.

With those in his corner, Anderson firmed as the leading contender for the position as soon as he announced last month he would seek it again.

He had been considering his future, but returned from an overseas holiday refreshed and ready to continue in representative coaching.

"I would just like to do it again," Anderson said.

"I am feeling good again. I was tired and struggling a bit at the end of last year. But my batteries are re-charged.

"But if I don't get it it's not the end of the world. It's been great, a great experience."

Although the position will be discussed at a board meeting on Tuesday, a final decision is unlikely to be made until next year.

Several potential replacements have been mooted including Mal Meninga and Andrew Farrar.

Anyone replacing Anderson would have big shoes to fill.

The premiership-winning coach has built a near-perfect record since taking over the Kangaroos in 1999, leading the national side to 11 wins in 13 matches including World Cup success in 2000 and victories over Great Britain and New Zealand this year.

Anderson is also keen to play a part in the re-building of international rugby league, which swings into overdrive this season with a Test against NZ and a Kangaroo tour at the end of the year.

"It's a good thing," he said.

"We have some stiff competition from rugby union and we need to build our international game up."

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