Dutch set to celebrate downunder - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Dutch set to celebrate downunder

08/07/2010 05:14:03 PM Comments (0)

More than 300,000 Dutch people living in Australia will be able to cheer on their World Cup soccer team in style at orange-themed events to be held across the country.

Fans are being urged to wear orange, the Dutch national colour, to show their support for the team as it gets ready to take on Spain in the World Cup final.

Netherlands Ambassador to Australia Willem Andrea said on Thursday it was the first time in 32 years a Dutch team had made it to the final and if they won, would be the nation's first ever World Cup victory.

"This is history in the making," he said in a statement.

After Tuesday's 3-2 victory in the semi-final against Uruguay, the team faces off against Spain at 4.30am AEST on Monday morning.

Dutch clubs and organisations are holding events in every state to celebrate and watch the Dutch team compete.

The ambassador will be joining the Dutch community in Canberra at 4am at All Bar None, where the embassy has organised a special event.

If the Netherlands win the final, Orange Dutch celebrations will be held at the following locations:

Canberra - All Bar Nun, O'Connor

Sydney - Holland House, Tokio Hotel, Darling Harbour

Melbourne - The Portland Hotel/James Squire Brewhouse, city

Brisbane - The Balcony 153, city

Adelaide - The Maid & Magpie Hotel, city

Perth - Dutch Society Neerlandia WA, Wembley

Hobart - Wrest Point Casino, Sandy Bay

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