Coote hit accidental, says NRL panel - Sports News - Fanatics - the world's biggest events

Coote hit accidental, says NRL panel

01/03/2010 06:19:15 PM Comments (0)

The hit by Newcastle's Wes Naiqama, that left Penrith fullback Lachlan Coote needing brain scans, has been deemed accidental by the NRL match review committee.

The panel laid no charges from the weekend's trial matches, despite Naiqama being placed on report after Coote was left heavily concussed and doctors feared he had suffered bleeding on the brain during Saturday's trial match at Port Macquarie.

"The match review committee has reviewed the tackle by Knights player Wes Naiqama on Panthers player Lachlan Coote," an NRL statement said.

"In the act of catching the football from a kick, Coote falls quickly down and away from Naiqama.

"Despite the video footage being inconclusive, Naiqama's arm appears to make some contact with the head/neck of Coote.

"This contact is deemed accidental.

"The penalty from the match referee is deemed sufficient."

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